One of my all time fravorite hobbies is playing card games. What I mean by card games, I mean like magic the gathering and yugioh. I started playing games like this when I was about seven. Of course back then everyone was playing it, because it was on tv. Then as I got older people started coming out of it, but I still kept most of my cards. I was in and out of playing card until the about 7the grade when new card came out and the game change up.  The main reason I play card games is because I like the stragitic part about the game. Making your own deck, seeing which card work with it, and out thinking your opponent. Its a little like chess, but just fast paced and not as long.

10/21/2012 04:34:08 am

What skills do you learn from playing card games? Is it a very expensive game as Zach suggested? My daughter is getting hooked on a game called Dominion. Are you familiar with that game?


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