One week ago the teacher of the city of Chicago started a strike. To protest agiants the rules and, unfair practices of the city. Those rules and practices are, teacher are paid on student performace, the cost of healt care is to high, teachers are still paid to little, and the condition of the building.
Now the srike has ended,because the mayor of the City of Chicago has thearten to sue the teachers, for being out of classrooms for this long.
I personally belived that the teachers had evry right to strike. For statrs being payed based on stundent performace is unfair. What if the half the class is a bumch of slackers, that do little to konw work. Teacher's should''nt loose money over a few bady seeds in their claases. They should be payed a nojustable salary, so that can at least be able to care of their families. The second issue is that the cost for thier health care is high. For a teacher this can be almost impossible to pay if their salaries keep adjusting up and down. The third issues is the building conditions. The buildings they teach in are what some people call trash. These buildiongs have no air conditioningand,  celling panles are coming aloose. Top this off some bulidings have rat, or bug promblems. Ther teachers are even have to teach classes with 30+ students. Whinch in the end, the students can't ge the help they need.
I'm happy thaty these teachers went on strike. this shows that teacher are mistreated across the nation, and I hope I see more strikes like these in the future.

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